Transport for London
About this Project

Our Services
- Introduction sessions to the NEC suite of contracts
- Training in NEC contract processes and mechanisms
- Bespoke training in amended NEC contracts
- NEC awareness for strategic managers
- Tailored training workshops
TfL recognised that they needed to broaden the skill base of people within the organisation who had a good understanding of the NEC contracts, most notably the engineering and construction contract. This was in order to improve the quality of contracts being prepared for major underground station capacity improvements as well as smaller projects. They also acknowledged the benefits such an approach would bring to the administration of their contracts. Using a tiered approach and in collaboration with the client, RedRay developed a number of modules to achieve London Underground’s objectives.
However, it also became apparent that key parts of the organisation not directly involved in contract preparation and administration would benefit from a better understanding of the contract issues they were being presented with. Accordingly, RedRay developed one-off sessions for scheme sponsors and finance disciplines, as well as an event aimed at strategic managers. On each occasion feedback was sought on the effectiveness of the training, allowing specific parts of the contracts or specific learning points to be targeted.